Novuna Complaints process

Complaints Process

If there's something you're not happy with, we'd like to be informed so we can resolve your issues.

Complaint handling and dispute resolution process

Please contact us as soon as possible.

You can contact our Customer Service Team who are here to help and they will try to provide a suitable solution.

Upon receipt of your complaint, we will contact you in 3 working days to resolve your issue.

Our customer Service Team will ask you to provide any relevant information which helps us identify the issue you have with your product.

Online –

Post – 55 Park Road, Bloxwich, Walsall, West Midlands, WS3 3SS

Escalating the complaint

If you're not happy with the resolution of the complaint, please speak to the person handling your complaint and they will discuss and explain the reasons for the resolution reached.

If you wish for your complaint to receive further review, please email us or contact us in writing at the address above.

If you are still unhappy after further escalation and your item has been ordered via Novuna Personal Finance you can also contact Novuna directly to discuss the matter further.

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