Brother Overlocker Machines
D C Nutt Sewing Machines are a leading supplier of Brother Overlockers and coverstitch machines guaranteeing both the best price and professional service and support. Check out our wide range of quality machines available to suit all levels. Buy online or collect in store, free next day delivery on all machines ordered and in stock before 12pm.
Brother 2104D Overlocker
Brother 2104D Overlocker Brother’s 2104D Overlocker sews seams, trims excess fabric and overloc..
Brother 3034DWT Overlocker
Brother 3034DWT Overlocker The 3034DWT boasts Brother’s signature combination of professional-l..
Brother 4234D Overlocker
Brother 4234d OverlockerNOW WITH A FREE BAG WORTH £29.99!!The award-winning Brother 4234D overlock o..
Brother Airflow 3000 electronic air threading overlocker
Brother Airflow 3000 electronic air threading overlockerMake working on challenging fabrics a breeze..